Welcome to the Kamloops Child Development Centre


Early Learning & Care

(0 to 36 months)

Our infant and toddler program focuses exclusively on positive learning experiences.  We’ve designed programs to enhance inquisitive minds and promote the achievement of ages and stages such as walking, communication, social skills, and potty training.

Infant and Toddler

(0 to 36 months)

Our infant and toddler program focuses exclusively on positive learning experiences.  We’ve designed programs to enhance inquisitive minds and promote the achievement of ages and stages such as walking, communication, social skills, and potty training.

Thirty Months to School Age

Our infant and toddler program focuses exclusively on positive learning experiences.  We’ve designed programs to enhance inquisitive minds and promote the achievement of ages and stages such as walking, communication, social skills, and potty training.

School Age

Our after-school program is filled with fun, positive and educational activities for your child.  Our motivated and energetic educators plan daily activities that stimulate and challenge your child.

Outdoor play – Allowing children to be children

Many of the developmental tasks that children must achieve-exploring, risk-taking, fine and gross motor development and the absorption of vast amounts of basic knowledge can be most effectively learned through outdoor play.